The lunge is an easy pose to stretch and strengthen your legs. I’ve previously suggested variations that deepen the thigh stretch and add a twist to stretch the upper body. You can also add balance work to your lunge. Here are two options:

The basic lunge

Start from standing with your feet hip-width apart and step your left foot back. Make sure your front knee is over the top or behind your ankle. Press your front foot firmly in to the ground and lift your back thigh up.

Option 1

Look about a metre in front of you at a fixed spot. Start to lift your chest and bring both hands on to your knee to bring your chest upright. Bring your hands first to your hips to find your balance. Then if stable, lift both arms up, relax the shoulders down. Keep the back leg strong and stay here for 3-4 breaths, before bringing your hands to the ground and switching to the other side.

Option 2

From the basic lunge lift your finger tips off the ground, lift your chest just barely a couple of centimetres off your thigh and then if possible reach both arms straight ahead. Keep your gaze down, so the back of the neck is long. It will be more work to do this variation, but still try to hold it for 2-3 breaths before switching.

Then combine them! Start with the lunge, lift your chest and reach your arms forward. Pause for 2 breaths, then keep on lifting your arms up as your chest comes upright – all the while keep pressing that back leg up.

Adding balance to your lunge
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