Using your leg muscles in backbends like cobra can help prevent back pain and protect your back. Try these steps to see if you notice a different feeling in your lower back and belly.

cobra pose

  1. Lie down on your belly with palms on the floor alongside your rib cage.
  2. Rest your forehead on the floor.
  3. Your feet do not need to touch.
  4. Squeeze your thighs towards each other and squeeze your buttocks. Keep this action persistent. You might feel your knees lift off the floor.
  5. Now press your palms down and forward – but don’t let your hands move.
  6. Keep your shoulders away from your ears and lift your chest. Keep your head in a neutral line.
  7. Breathe easy and feel the difference in your legs, back and belly.
  8. As you exhale, lower down.

Try this a few times and experiment with not squeezing the muscles in your legs and notice the difference.

Using your leg muscles in cobra pose to protect your back
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