As summer approaches we tend to get more active and sometimes overdo it, whether it’s weeding in the garden, a weekend walk or a tramp. Practicing yoga poses that are seated or lying can be a great way to rest and recover while still stretching.

Here’s a favourite of mine because you both stretch your legs and twist through your upper body.

gentle seated twist

  1. Start seated on the floor with both legs out straight. Bend your left knee bringing your foot to the floor.
  2. Take your left hand or fingertips on to the floor behind you.
  3. Take your right arm and hug your left knee.
  4. Breath in and lift up through your spine, as you exhale, relax and twist gently further back to your left.
  5. Find a neutral place for your neck that’s not strained.
  6. Be a little bit active with your right leg, flexing your toes up.
  7. Use your hand behind you to help you sit up tall right on top of your sit bones.
  8. After a few breaths, unwind the twist and switch sides.
  9. For a different variation, try taking the left foot over the top of the right leg and then twisting. Only practice this version if you can keep both hips evenly on the floor.

seated twist

Seated twists
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