That’s right, your hands are just as important as your feet – even when they are not on the ground. We’ve learned over the last 2 weeks how to activate the muscles in your feet and ankles in a way that helps build strength and helps with balance.

You can activate the muscles in your hands in a similar way. In fact, it looks a little like jazz hands. Wikipedia says “Jazz hands in performance dance is the extension of a performer’s hands with palms toward the audience and fingers splayed.”

So what does ‘jazz hands’ in yoga look like?

Here are two ways to activate the muscles in your hands.

  1. Hold you hands out in front of you and splay your fingers.
  2. Hold your hand in front of you with palm facing down, flex your wrist and fingers up, splay your fingers – then keeping your fingers splayed try to press your palm to face down towards the ground.

Feel the muscles in your fingers, wrists and arms?

Once you get your muscles going, try it with only 50% effort. Yes, you need to use your muscles, but not overuse them.

Jazz hands, seriously
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