Last week we looked at using the glutes or buttock muscles to help protect your back in cobra pose – a backbend from lying on the floor. You can use the same muscles to help stabilise your lower back when doing a backbend while standing (or kneeling).

In camel pose (ustrasana), we’ll use our hands to help the movement of your buttock muscles.

  1. Start kneeling with your knees about hip width apart.
  2. Bring your hands on to your lower back. Your palms will be on your waistline where a belt would be with fingers pointing down, thumbs forward.
  3. Squeeze your buttocks to push your hips and pelvis forward.
  4. You can also use your fingers to push your buttocks forward and under you.
  5. You should feel LESS arch in your lower back now.
  6. Keep squeezing these muscles as you pull your elbows back, pull shoulders back and lift your chest up. This should create an arch in your upper back without having to lean back.
  7. Bring your chest forward and relax your muscles. Counter this backbend by coming in to child’s pose.

You can try this from standing as well.

Keeping your back safe in backbends
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