Last week I shared a video from Yoga Synergy that explained all those funny arms movements we do at the beginning of class and how they tension nerves. I’ve included the video again below in case you missed it.

So I thought I would explain why I often remind you to pull your armpits down in those movements. I’ve mentioned this before, but that cue has nothing to do with your armpits. When you try to pull your armpits down, you’re actually tightening the muscles in your core around your sides and back. There are 2 benefits to this:

  1. When you tighten those muscles they pull the shoulders down. This keeps the shoulders in a healthier and safer alignment when you go through the movements.
  2. Your shoulders end up around your ears, because the muscles in your neck, upper back, shoulders and chest are tight (common from hunching over, sitting to much, staring at your phone, etc). When you contract the muscles of your core, these muscles oppose the ones around your neck, chest and back. As a simple level, contracting the muscles around the core, pulls against the muscles of your neck, chest and back – lengthening and stretching them.

Two important tips for moving safely through these arm movements:

  1. Now you know that you are stretching/tensioning nerves. You also know too much of that can be bad. So only use 20% effort when you pull those armpits down as it automatically intensifies the stretch.
  2. If you find these movements very intense, keep your arms bent. When you bend your arms you’re shortening the tissues (muscles, nerves, ligaments, etc) in your arm and they won’t be pulled or strained so much.

Remember less is more!

Why pull the armpits down?
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