The last few weeks I’ve focused on the muscles at the front of the thighs, but what about the muscles in your inner thighs.

These muscles are responsible generally for adducting or pulling/squeezing your legs together. That’s why they get called adductors (think of adding together). They also help with flexion, moving your leg forward.

Similar to the quads, the adductor muscles attach from your pelvis down to your knee (think groin area to your knee – mostly inner knee). So tight adductor muscles can contribute to knee pain and can often pull the pelvis forward causing back pain.

How do adductors get tight?

They are essential to stablising the pelvis when we run or walk. Then can also help stabilise the knee when we ride a push bike. So if you walk, run or cycle heaps – you could have tight adductors. Not everyone gets tight adductors. It depends on what muscles are weak and strong in your pelvis.

How to stretch adductors?

Sitting in baddha konasana or butterfly pose is a common way to stretch them. Or sitting in a wide leg straddle works well too. In these positions you need to have enough flexibility in the back of your legs to sit in this position. Without that, you won’t gain as much from the inner thigh stretch.

If your buttocks or hamstrings are tight, try a version lying on the floor with your legs on the wall.

Your hips need to be on the floor and your spine in a neutral or straight position. If the back of your legs are tight, just move away from the wall.

See options 1 and 2 in the photo from my Restorative Yoga at Home Booklet.

Or in a wide leg standing position try side lunges:

  • widening your legs until you feel a stretch
  • rest your hands or elbows on your thighs, then bend one knee at a time to shift your weight side to side
  • bring your hands to the floor, bend one knee at a time as you shift side to side into deeper lunges, maybe lifting your heels or toes

And one last stretch – happy baby! If you find this pose difficult or need some ideas for new variations check out these videos from Baxter Bell Yoga – happy baby with a strap and happy baby with bonus adductor stretch/core strengther.

And if you want to keep reading about the adductors check out this article Neglecting your hip abductors can mess up your walk, sleep and balance – you’ll even learn why we don’t put our feet together when standing in my yoga classes!

Stretching the inner thighs or groin
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