Bending over can be quite hard if your hamstrings (the backs of your thighs) are tight. You’ll regularly hear me suggest that you bend your knees in all types of postures when we bend or fold forward, so that you don’t injure your back.

seated forward fold with strap

In this pose, paschimottanasana, I’ve not only got my knees bent, but I’m sitting with my hips on the edge of a blanket and I’m using a strap around the soles of my feet.

All so that I can keep my spine long and neutral as I bend forward to intensify the stretch, instead of rounding my back. Be sure when you’re sitting on the blanket to sit right at the end and let your pelvis tip forward.

Try it and you’ll find a good stretch for your hamstrings and calves.

Seated stretch for hamstrings and beyond
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