Plank is one of those poses that appears in just about every yoga class. A lot. Sometimes, we just see it as a transition pose – just getting from down dog to the floor for a rest. But plank requires a lot of strength and not just in your arms, but your core, back, shoulders, and even your hips and legs! And because you are not lowering down to a press-up, this pose has less wear and tear on your shoulders.

basic plank pose

To find out just how good plank is for building strength, try these variations and remember to have fun!

  1. Start on hands and knees. Hands under shoulders or even wider. Spread your fingers and press through your fingers and the top of your palm.
  2. Keep your shoulders here and step your right foot back with toes tucked under. Now step your left foot back. Keep your feet apart.
  3. Now keep your elbows a little soft. Press the space between your shoulder blades up and image hugging a giant ball in between your arms. Squeeze your thighs in towards each other without your legs moving.
  4. Keep all that going and now…lift a leg! Try the other leg.plank with leg lift
  5. Try lifting an arm. Try the other one.plank with arm lift
  6. Ready for it – try lifting opposite arm and leg at the same time.

plank with one arm and leg lift

Plank variations for core and strength work
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