There are endless simple stretches for the shoulder. As I’ve written the last couple weeks, the stretch is all about the right position of your shoulder joint and adding muscle action in the related muscle groups.

If you have tight muscles in your shoulders and chest (and wrists) you should easily find a stretch in this pose.

If you are flexible, you will have to use more muscle action to find the same benefit, but it’s a much safer position to stretch the shoulders.

  1. Sit down with your feet on the ground in front of you about hip-width apart.gentle version of upward plank yoga stretch
  2. Take your hand behind you. Your palms should be flat on the ground.
  3. Try to have your fingers facing you, but if this is not possible, turn your fingers out.
  4. Keep your elbows bent even if you can straighten them.

If you find a stretch already, just stay here. If not, try these muscle actions:

  • Spread your fingers and push down through your palms
  • Rock over your hip bones to stick your butt slightly behind you. At the same time lift your chest.
  • Press your chest slightly forward and slightly up.
  • Try tightening your armpits (arms don’t move).
  • Try pulling or pushing your armpits back (arms don’t move). Try not to pinch your shoulder blades.
  • When you breath in  try to puff your chest up.

Once again, what movements make a difference? Where do you find the stretch? How small can you make a movement and still find a stretch?

Simple stretch for shoulders and chest (and wrists too)
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