I want to highlight a stretch for the shoulders that doesn’t require work (once you get in the position).

This pose comes from restorative yoga and my new booklet, Restorative Yoga at Home. The photo is a sample page from the booklet.

Restorative yoga is all about finding a comfortable position, just at the start of the stretch, then allowing your body to rest in this position. Tension should gradually release as you rest.

See below for how to do this pose.

pages from restorative yoga booklet on gentle backbend

What you need: 1-2 blankets, towels or bolsters; or a rolled yoga mat and pillow

How to setup:

  1. Roll a blanket or yoga mat into a tight roll.
  2. Sit on the floor and place the rolled blanket on the floor behind your hips. Leave some space between your hips and the blanket.
  3. Lie down on the rolled blanket with your spine centred down the length of the blanket.
  4. If your head is not supported by the blanket, put another blanket or pillow under your head. Your neck should be in a neutral supported position. It should not feel strained.
  5. Stretch your arms out to the sides with palms up to the ceiling. Shoulders relaxed down.
  6. Legs can go straight down the floor or you can bend your knees with feet on the floor.
  7. Rest here for 1-2 minutes.
  8. To come out, bend your knees and bring your feet to the floor. Reach your arm across your body and roll off the blanket to your side.

The booklet has variations and suggestions if you have injuries. You can purchase the booklet from my website in print copy or as an eBook.

Stretching without working for the shoulders
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