Many muscles make up the muscle group that we refer to as the core. This muscle group surrounds the abdomen including the front, sides and back. With so many muscles in the core, a wide range of yoga poses can help build core strength.

Boat pose (navasana) is a classic pose. You can add a wide range of variations to keep it interesting, increasing or decreasing the challenge, or changing the muscles of focus. I recently focused on stretching the psoas, this pose can help strengthen the psoas one of the muscles that contributes to your core strength.

Start in a seated position with your feet on the floor.

Grab either the back of your thighs or shins. Gently pull with your hands, bending your elbows so you find a slightly longer spine.

Option 1: Lift your toes on the floor. You can keep holding on to your legs or let go for extra work.

boat pose

Option 2: Lift your feet up to the height of your knees.

Option 3: Straighten your legs by lifting your feet up.

Option 4: Start with legs straight, then slowly let one foot lower down. You could touch the toes to the floor or not. Then switch sides. Change back and forth several times.


Strengthening the core (including the psoas) with boat pose
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