Stretches for the quadriceps (quads) or thigh muscles are becoming more common in my classes. In part because these big muscles are so essential for running, cycling and tramping. When they get a good workout, we often feel the soreness for the next few days.

One of the most common stretches for the thighs is done while standing – you reach back with your hand to grab your foot or ankle of the same leg. But sometimes it can be difficult to actually grab your leg and for other people it’s not easy to find the stretch in this position.

Here are 2 variations of the familiar standing thigh stretch that might be easier and provide a better stretch. They have an added benefit of being a stretch you can do at work at your desk. For more short videos of yoga you can do at work, check out my yoga@work playlist on youtube.

Yoga@work stretch for the thighs or quadriceps
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