This simple movement, just like last week’s stretches, uses the fascia tissue connecting the hands and wrists to stretch the elbows and arms.

Because this stretch tensions the nerve be gentle. Look for a mild feeling. On a scale of 0 to 5 where 5 is the most, try to aim for a feeling of 1 to 2.

  1. Relax your arms at your sides.
  2. For each hand bring your fingers up to touch your thumb.
  3. Slowly turn your fingers and thumb inwards towards your hips.
  4. If that feels OK, continue slowly turning fingers and thumb to face behind.
  5. If that feels OK, continue turning the fingers and thumb slightly outward.
  6. Stop the movement when you feel a stretch and reduce the turn in your arms until the stretch is about 1 to 2. Gently stay here for 1 to 2 breaths.
  7. Then turn your hands back around, open your palms to let them face forward. Gently stretch the fingers down and back. Gently ease the shoulders back.
  8. Slowly move back and forth through these 2 movements – remembering less is more!


Stretching hands, wrists and elbows with gentle movements
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