Reclining cobbler’s pose or supta baddha konasana is a classic from restorative yoga. It’s wonderfully relaxing while also positioning the body for a gentle release of tension in the chest and shoulders as well as the hips. It’s often the perfect position to counteract long periods of sitting.

To set this position up you’ll need a mix of bolsters or pillows and some blankets or towels. It does take a bit to get everything right, but it’s worth the effort.

My video below walks you through how to set up the pose and make it comfortable for your body. I also feature this pose in my Restorative Yoga at Home eBook.

If you can’t be bothered with the props and details, come along to my upcoming restorative yoga Urban Calm session this Sunday and I’ll do all the work for you.

How to do restorative yoga cobblers pose
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