warrior III yoga pose

We’ve often done warrior I and warrior II in class, but did you know there is a warrior III? Get ready for a new adventure in balancing! There are many ways to get in to this pose, but these steps will take you through one of the more stable options. This pose is challenging if your muscles are tight, so you may need to warm up and focus on stretching your hips and glutes.

  1. Start with your hands on something that is about the same height as your hips – maybe a table or chair.
  2. Walk your feet back until they are underneath your hips and, your chest and arms are parallel to the floor (my hands are a little low in this photo).
  3. Have your feet about hip-width apart, toes straight ahead.
  4. Slightly bend your knees and then lift your left heel up. Keep your left toes pointing down to the ground and keep your hips parallel with the ground.
  5. Try lifting your heel to the same height as your hips. If this is difficult, bend the knee of your standing leg.
  6. After balancing here, switch your feet. Did you notice if one side is easier than the other?
Warrior III one leg balance pose
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