We do warrior 2, virabhadrasana 2, in class all the time. There are two very important alignment cues in this pose.
warrior II
The first one you’ll regularly hear me say – to make sure the knee is going straight ahead, not drifting in. There’s another one – that I’ve done incorrectly in this photo – can you spot the mistake? If not, read the steps below and see what doesn’t match the photo.
  1. From standing, hands on your hips, step your left foot back, bringing your heel to the ground and turning your left back toes out to at least a 45 degree angle or possibly making your back foot perpendicular to your front foot.
  2. Bend your front knee. Make sure the knee is tracking straight ahead. The knee must also be over the top of the ankle or behind – not in front of your ankle.
  3. Your back leg is straight. Press through your back heel, pressing your back thigh up and slightly letting the back left thigh roll in.
  4. Press down through your front toes.
  5. Lift your left arm behind you and right arm in front of you – with palms facing down. Your upper torso will turn to the left, but your hips align where they are most comfortable. Relax your shoulders down.
  6. Hold for a few breaths. Then step your back forward to standing. Then switch to the other side.

Spot the mistake in the photo? My front knee is too far forward of my ankle. When

The small things in Warrior II pose
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