Restorative yoga is different from other styles of yoga. It’s focused on supporting your body in resting postures to slowly release tension and stress. You can use bolsters or pillows, and blankets to support your body in different positions for longer periods of time. This allows you to ease your way into relaxing and letting go of tension.

5 different restorative yoga poses

How does it work?
When we experience stress, the sympathetic nervous system responds. It prepares the body to take action – the ‘fight or flight’ response. With ongoing physical and mental stress, this system is constantly working. As a result we stay in a persistent state of heightened tension. This constant ramping up of the body can lead to some of the negative health effects caused by stress.

Restorative yoga is more than just simple relaxation. The postures, meditation and breathing practices are designed to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system – sometimes called ‘rest and digest’ or relaxation response. Stopping the cycle of chronic stress tells the body, at a physiological level, to shift to relaxation. The exact opposite of ‘fight or flight’. The body then focuses on recovery, releasing muscle tension and improving healthy digestion, blood pressure and sleep.

To try some restorative yoga poses check out my blog posts or see my YouTube videos below.

Or see my Restorative Yoga at Home booklet for detailed instructions on some of the most common poses.

What is restorative yoga?
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