A few months ago, I started offering a new recovery yoga class. The inspiration came from what my own recovery yoga looks like. I rarely get the time for an entire hour of restorative yoga and usually I need both restorative and more active movement.

The Monday night class blends together yoga movement from my usual classes with restorative yoga and movements from tai chi and physiotherapy stretches. Often I experiment with adapting these movements.

Over the last few weeks, we’ve been doing a version of a sun salutation at the wall. Each week we’ve added variations to the movement including spinal twists, pelvic tips and stretches for the hips.

Then this wonderful short video popped up in my news feed from Maria Kirsten of Yoga for Grownups based in Australia. She demonstrates what sun salutations could look like at the wall or in this case a railing, and a creative range of spinal and hip movements.

Sun salutations at the wall to move your spine
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